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Apache authentication module

This is not about cookies! :-)

We have been considering writing an authentication module for the Apache HTTP
server which queries an authentication server (tacacs) on a different host.

There are two approaches:  write a correct module following the Apache API or
hack the server code to open a pipe to a tacacs client.

I am favoring the latter because the Apache API documentation isn't clear.
In either case, it's not clear to me (after 20 minutes of looking) where
the Apache Basic authentication begins in the source code (I have a good idea).

Ideally, I would like to create a new authentication type:  AuthType tacacs .

My question to the list is:  does anyone have experience writing modules
(in particular, authentication modules) for the Apache HTTP server?

Any information is appreciated.
scott hollatz                         internet   shollatz@d.umn.edu
information services, systems        telephone   +1 218 726 8851
university of minnesota-duluth mn usa      fax   +1 218 726 7674
